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    FIRST Robotics & CenterLine

    CenterLine FIRST Robotics volunteersPosted January 28, 2019

    CenterLine has been a long time sponsor and promoter of FIRST Robotics programs in our community. CenterLine was recently thanked by the organizers of FIRST for our contributions and for creating a culture of involvement with our employees regarding the teams and events. We encourage our employees to become mentors, judges, and volunteers for FIRST and we are very proud to employ many FIRST alumni.

    Our CEO, Michael Beneteau had the following words regarding FIRST!

    "The Windsor Essex Great Lakes Regional is one part NASCAR, one part Super Bowl, and one part rock concert. It’s young people working closely with industry mentors as a team to solve complex problems. The FIRST program challenges kids, teaches them real-world skills and ignites the passion that we all look for on our teams in the industry. We have supported FIRST teams for over 10 years and have hired some great FIRST alumni. The program works".

    To read the full FIRST article, click here.
