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Aktuelle Meldungen

    Centerline Supersonics First Lego League Wins Chairman Award

    Posted December 12, 2014

    Congratulations to the CenterLine sponsored “Supersonics” team for being awarded the "Chairman's Award" (the top overall finisher) at the 2nd Annual Windsor Essex Lego Tournament held December 6th at St. Clair College. Over 250 kids in 24 teams participated.  As a result of this victory, the team has been invited to another FLL regional event to be held February 7th, 2015 at the University of Waterloo.

    This year's challenge was called "First Lego League - World Class".  For the project element of the challenge, the kids had to come up with a question to a real world problem related to learning and also a corresponding solution. Their question was "How can we help kids to learn fractions?". To see the website that the kids developed as their solution, click here.

    To read the entire article by the Windsor Star, click here.
